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Attacco Web Europeo su larga scala

Condividi:         ale 21 Giugno 07 @ 05:30 am

Attacco Web Europeo su larga scala

I Websense Security Labs hanno scoperto più di 10.000 siti web compromessi da un attacco su larga scala a livello europeo, Italia compresa.

Websense fornisce, per maggiori informazioni, una dettagliata analisi del fenomeno a partire da questo link.

Websense® Security Labs™ has received reports of a large scale attack in Europe that is using the MPACK web exploit toolkit. For more information on MPACK please see the Panda Labs blog here:
http://blogs.pandasoftwar ... Pack-uncovered_2100_.aspx

At the time of this alert our ThreatSeeker technology has discovered more than *10,000* sites that have been compromised and have IFRAMES pointing to the hub infection site... autorizza a riportare la presente news.

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