
a bill gates piacciono i trip

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a bill gates piacciono i trip

Postdi abc » 11/07/03 23:53


Redmond, Washington— Investegators are trying to track down the culprit(s) who were responsible for slipping an unknown quantity of LSD into Bill Gates' drink.

It is believed that the crime was commited shortly before Mr. Gates held a press conference in Redmond earlier this week. The media event, scheduled for 20 minutes, lasted for several hours.

Witnesses say that the billionaire at first appeared to be very much himself, but soon became erratic and spent a lot of time touching his face and saying, "Wow, man!"

No charges have been laid at this time.


**nobody steals our chicks.. and lives!**
Utente Junior
Post: 80
Iscritto il: 14/12/01 01:00


Postdi BianConiglio » 12/07/03 23:09


cmq utilizza "stupidate varie rilassanti" per post del genere ;)
Utente Senior
Post: 4710
Iscritto il: 26/12/01 01:00
Località: Varese / Lugano

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