
Reistallare Explorer!!!?

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Reistallare Explorer!!!?

Postdi f4b10 » 25/03/03 21:22

Ho recentemente spostato la dir dei programmi da c:\programmi a d:\programmi....
adesso ogni tanto xp mi dice che explorer nn è istallato..tipo nelle applicazioni che richiedono luso!
come lo ristallo?o risolvo la cosa?
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Iscritto il: 06/03/03 18:08



Postdi Swalke » 25/03/03 21:42

Mi sa che forse devi reinstallare i programmi nella nuova directory!!!
...altrimenti i tuoi problemi quasi sicuramente non si risolverallo con una semplice reinstallazione di explorer.
Non credo esistano altre alternative... magari qualcun altro ne sa + di me...
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Postdi piercing » 25/03/03 21:46

f4b... che procedura hai seguito per spostare la cartella programmi??
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Iscritto il: 10/04/02 10:34
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Postdi f4b10 » 26/03/03 00:41

ho ovviamente copiato la cartella da 1 parte allaltra..poi mi sn fatto un giro nel registro e ho cambiato la locazione dei prog e dei file comuni...
indi ho cancellato la cartella vecchia...
qlche pulizia del registro e va tutto come prima...qlcosa lho dovuto reistallare pero!
ma explorer come faccio?
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Iscritto il: 06/03/03 18:08


Postdi Swalke » 26/03/03 02:10

Bhe, io ho Win 2000 ma non credo che le cose cambino molto per risolvere sto problema...
...avrai sicuramente già notato che sotto la cartella programmi c'è anche la cartella di explorer no?
Io ti do due soluzioni ma potrebbero essercene altre che non conosco he?

1) Rimetti dove era la cartella di Explorer (crei nuovamente la directory programmi in C e ci ficchi dentro la cartella di Internet Exporer che hai in d:\programmi

2) Potresti provare ad aprire il regedit e a cercare tutte le voci "C:\programmi\InternetExplorer" con la funzione trova e sostituirle con il nuovo percorso.
Non so se sta ultima cosa basterebbe, però è quello che proverei a fare io!!!
Ovviamente non mi assumo responsabilità se qualcosa non va!!! :D
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Postdi ppossenti » 26/03/03 09:57

te lo dico per esperienze già fatte,
devi lasciare una cartella programmi in c: con i programmi installati di default da win2000.
Se vuoi puoi crearne un'altra in d: e installarci i prog. che ti chiedono prima l'indirizzo di installazione. é l'unico modo per far girare tutto senz problemi.
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Postdi piercing » 26/03/03 21:57

pienamente d'accordo con ppossenti... cambiare la cartella dei programmi mi sembra un'operazione con scarsa possibilità di successo....
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Postdi f4b10 » 26/03/03 23:02

e allora se uno vuole tenere i prog su un altro hd???
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Iscritto il: 06/03/03 18:08

Postdi piercing » 26/03/03 23:25

cambia sistema operativo... :D
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Postdi f4b10 » 26/03/03 23:32

HO USATO PER + DI 6 MESI SOLO UNA debian ma purtoppo per esigenze di lavoro ho dovuto istallare anke un xp!!!
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Post: 159
Iscritto il: 06/03/03 18:08

Postdi f4b10 » 28/03/03 12:44

problema risolto!
se serve a qlc...

There is three things you can do to get this fixed, you will need the winxp cd for all of em, here they are:
1) Go to the controle panel, add remove programs, windows components, and uncheck Internet Explorer, then press OK. Restart once its gone, and recheck IE, it will then install again.

2) Go to the start menu, open run and put this in exactly:

rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %windir%\Inf\ie.inf

If you dont have run, right click the start button, go to properties, click customize, check display run.

Failing those 2 steps, you can actually check and see what file is wrong with IE or causing the problem, and replace it from the XP CD, here is how.

1) On the XP cd, close the auto run, open the cd and browse to the cdrom:\SUPPORT\TOOLS
run setup.exe . Now, browse to the directory on your HD where you installed the tools to.

Find this file " depends.exe " and double click it to run it.

Now, in the dependency walker, go to file, open, and browse to /Program Files/Internet Eplorer/and double click iexplore.exe

This opens up the actual executable and checks the file structure for all the files that are reqired for IE to work (you can do this with ANY program, and create no cd hacks for your software,if you dont like putting in the cd each time).

You should be looking at a tree of files, on the right there wont be much till you click on something, and at the bottom is all the module's in use.

What we are looking for is ANYTHING that is hilighted in pink/red. We then need to find out where that file is on your computer, and replace it.

The file will NOT have the exact same name on the windows CD. They will usually be in the i386 directory, and if for example its mpr.dll that is red/pink then on the windows cd it will be mpr.dl_ -- NOTE THE UNDERSCORE.

for most files, they have an underscore instead of the last character in the file extension. If the file you need to replace is in the system32 folder, or any other active windows folder, boot into safe mode, and put the new folder into system32/dllcache/ and the system will take it from the cache on reboot. This WILL fix your problem if done properly. If it is not done properly, you have the potential to fry your current windows installation and you will have to reformat and re-install everything.
Utente Senior
Post: 159
Iscritto il: 06/03/03 18:08

Postdi f4b10 » 28/03/03 12:45

problema risolto!
se serve a qlc...

There is three things you can do to get this fixed, you will need the winxp cd for all of em, here they are:
1) Go to the controle panel, add remove programs, windows components, and uncheck Internet Explorer, then press OK. Restart once its gone, and recheck IE, it will then install again.

2) Go to the start menu, open run and put this in exactly:

rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %windir%\Inf\ie.inf

If you dont have run, right click the start button, go to properties, click customize, check display run.

Failing those 2 steps, you can actually check and see what file is wrong with IE or causing the problem, and replace it from the XP CD, here is how.

1) On the XP cd, close the auto run, open the cd and browse to the cdrom:\SUPPORT\TOOLS
run setup.exe . Now, browse to the directory on your HD where you installed the tools to.

Find this file " depends.exe " and double click it to run it.

Now, in the dependency walker, go to file, open, and browse to /Program Files/Internet Eplorer/and double click iexplore.exe

This opens up the actual executable and checks the file structure for all the files that are reqired for IE to work (you can do this with ANY program, and create no cd hacks for your software,if you dont like putting in the cd each time).

You should be looking at a tree of files, on the right there wont be much till you click on something, and at the bottom is all the module's in use.

What we are looking for is ANYTHING that is hilighted in pink/red. We then need to find out where that file is on your computer, and replace it.

The file will NOT have the exact same name on the windows CD. They will usually be in the i386 directory, and if for example its mpr.dll that is red/pink then on the windows cd it will be mpr.dl_ -- NOTE THE UNDERSCORE.

for most files, they have an underscore instead of the last character in the file extension. If the file you need to replace is in the system32 folder, or any other active windows folder, boot into safe mode, and put the new folder into system32/dllcache/ and the system will take it from the cache on reboot. This WILL fix your problem if done properly. If it is not done properly, you have the potential to fry your current windows installation and you will have to reformat and re-install everything.
Utente Senior
Post: 159
Iscritto il: 06/03/03 18:08

Postdi pjfry » 28/03/03 13:04

f4b10 ha scritto:Find this file " depends.exe " and double click it to run it.

Now, in the dependency walker, go to file, open, and browse to /Program Files/Internet Eplorer/and double click iexplore.exe

This opens up the actual executable and checks the file structure for all the files that are reqired for IE to work (you can do this with ANY program, and create no cd hacks for your software,if you dont like putting in the cd each time).

You should be looking at a tree of files, on the right there wont be much till you click on something, and at the bottom is all the module's in use.

bello questo 'depends' , non lo conoscevo...
qualcuno sà se su win2000 c'è qualcosa di simile?
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