
sempre outlook

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sempre outlook

Postdi oklaoid » 10/03/06 15:12

non mi scarica piu la posta mi e' arrivato questo messaggio :
This is an e-mail message sent automatically by Microsoft Outlook's Account Manager while testing the settings for your POP3 account.

The setting for logging on to the incoming mail server before sending mail has been turned on for this e-mail account. Outlook has determined that this was needed in order to access your e-mail. To view or change this setting:
- Select the 'E-mail Accounts' command from the Tools menu.
- Select 'View or Change E-mail Accounts' and click the 'Next' button.
- Select your e-mail account in the list and click the 'Change' button.
- Click 'More Settings' and select the Outgoing Server tab. The setting is controlled by the check box 'Logon to the incoming server before sending mail'.

ho fatto come dice e ora :
This is an e-mail message sent automatically by Microsoft Outlook's Account Manager while testing the settings for your POP3 account.
Utente Junior
Post: 20
Iscritto il: 18/02/06 15:01


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