
Il web 2.0? Esisteva già prima dell'1.0!

Internet: Alexsandra 30 Agosto 06 @ 15:00 pm

Il web 2.0? Esisteva già prima dell'1.0!

Grazie a Supercazzola, notoriamente scettico riguardo al web 2.0, ho letto l'interessantissima trascrizione di un podcast dell'IBM in cui viene intervistato niente meno che Tim Berners Lee.

Quello che il buon Tim dice sembrerebbe dare ragione ai detrattori del web 2.0, ma per come la vedo io non è così.
Tim dice:

"And in fact, you know, this Web 2.0, quote, it means using the standards which have been produced by all these people working on Web 1.0. It means using the document object model, it means for HTML and SVG and so on, it's using HTTP, so it's building stuff using the Web standards, plus Java script of course.

So Web 2.0 for some people it means moving some of the thinking client side so making it more immediate, but the idea of the Web as interaction between people is really what the Web is. That was what it was designed to be as a collaborative
space where people can interact."

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